"I guess we've come this far. No sense in turning around now!" said Uncle Marvin. The two adventurers and their canine companion began to follow the trail again. It crossed over the stream at a tiny stone bridge, then turned to wander up the hill alongside the stream.

As they hiked onward, Tina forgot all about taking a nap. She felt energized. She marched through the trees, past a bunch of rocks, and over a fallen tree trunk effortlessly. She was so intrigued by the mystery at hand, she didn't even notice at first that the stream had suddenly disappeared. "Hey, what happened to the water?" she exclaimed.

"I didn't notice it turning away from us. It just seemed to end back there somewhere, didn't it?" observed Uncle Marvin. "Shall we investigate?"

"Sure," answered Tina, as she turned around. "I think it must have ended right back here somewhere."

They backtracked several yards before they found the small stream again. Tina and Max followed the water to a place where it seemed to be bubbling up through several cracks in a large rock formation.

"The water must come from an underground spring below the surface," said Uncle Marvin.

Suddenly Tina's face lit up. "This is it!" she squealed.

"This is What?" asked her uncle, somewhat puzzled.

"This is the crying stone... from the clues!"

"Good thinking, Butterfly! I believe you're right!" said Uncle Marvin. "But, where are we going to find that giant turtle? Let me see..." He read through the clues again, "halfway between here and a rocky knoll."