So, Tina stamped a beautiful red butterfly on the first page of her new book. Above it, Uncle Marvin printed in big letters, "Butterfly's Letterboxing Book".

Then, they put everything back into the backpack, and Uncle Marvin said, "You've got to promise me that you will be very careful with your new rubber stamp. This ink can make a terrible mess, and if you get any on the furniture or your clothes, I'm sure your Mom will tan both our hides!"

"I'll be careful," Tina promised.

"I know you will, Butterfly," he said. "Now, let's grab those provisions you made and get started on our adventure!"

Uncle Marvin drove out to the woods near the lake, not far from where they had "gone fishing" last summer. As they approached a small parking area, Uncle Marvin slowed the car. There were several other cars parked here; Tina saw a teenage couple with backpacks and hiking boots trekking into an opening in the woods nearby.

"Where are we, Uncle Marvin?" Tina questioned. She petted her dog, Max, who had insisted on coming along.

"According to this map, we're at the starting point of our treasure hunt!" he answered, as he brought the car to a halt and began gathering their gear together. He pulled a small pile of maps and clues from under Max's leg. The dog was curled up on the seat between them with his head on Tina's lap. Uncle Marvin shoved the papers into his backpack along with the stamps and inkpads Tina had admired earlier.