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Back to School LbNA #68094

Owner:blacksheep 1&2 Contact Inactive
Plant date:Feb 2, 2015
City:green valley
Found by: CALC25
Last found:Mar 3, 2025
Last edited:Feb 2, 2015
Drive by
Hand caved box

From I-19 drive west on Continental Rd. 2.1 miles to the Performing Arts Center/Community College. Turn into the entrance and go past the first parking area. Drive to the end and turn right into the college parking.
Turn right again at the end of the lot and park at the center light pole. You will be facing southeast opposite the median of the lot. From the pole, slightly to your right is a mesquite tree about 12 steps from the edge of the blacktop. Find the box behind the tree under rocks and debris and you will be ready for graduation.
Record your find and let us know the condition