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First aidSigns of Autumn Series LbNA #6453

Plant date:Nov 15, 2003
Planted by:MommaFox Contact Inactive
Found by: burning feet (3)
Last found:Mar 5, 2025
Last edited:Nov 15, 2003
Clues: Easy
Terrain: Easy
Time/Distance: 45 to 60 minutes

Directions: From Rte. 44 you want to take Quinebaug Ave., this will be a left turn before the Hospital of you"re heading West and a right turn after the Hospital heading East. Quinebaug Ave. turns into River Road a little ways down. From Rte. 44 you want to drive 1 1/2 miles. you will then see a yellow sign which indicates a sharp Z turn in the road. Right after the corner you will see down below the road on your right the old Airline Trail. Just after you see this there is room for a couple of cars to pull over on the right.

Clues: Park and head back over to where you saw the Trail and notice a path that runs along the side and above the Trail. Follow this path and watch for the first large pine tree on your left with some rocks at the base. Go 10 feet to your left and you will find the PUMPKIN Letterbox under a rock slab.

Continue on the path through a grove of small pine trees. The path will then take you down a small hill onto the old Airline bed. When you reach the bottom of the hill you will see large rocks on your left. Go to the one slab on the ground. Stand next to this and the small pine tree and take a reading of 206* and find the APPLE Letterbox under a twin birch.

Continue on the Trail, you will see a path that crosses over this one and goes through a stone wall on your right. Continue straight but start at the intersection marking your distance. At about 50 feet you will see a triple tree on your right and the stone wall below zig zags. Go another 150 feet and you will see a six sister birch with I think old rotten ties in front of it. It is very steep along here so please be very careful. Take a reading of 214* and go to the dead broken tree for the FALL CLEANUP Letterbox.

Head back the way you came and take the path on your right just before the rocks. You will soon see up ahead a huge dead tree on the ground. Before you get to the tree look over to your left for a rock jutting out of the ground at an angle. It points to 320*. Stand at this rock and go 12 feet at 46* to a flat rock with small rocks on top to find the MAPLE LEAF Letterbox.

Go back to the Airline Trail and turn right, go past the rocks and back up the hill. Watch down below for a white post. With your back facing the post you will have a huge pine tree in your face, take two steps to the left of the tree. Take a reading of 153* and go 38 feet, turn and look between 2 huge pine trees to a broken off pine tree, go to it. Take a reading of 170* to another dead tree on the ground. Go to it and step over it and follow it to the left to the end and then follow the birch tree to where it's between 3 trees. Take a reading of 38* to a large (oak) tree with Rhododendrons at the base. Behind is the ACORN Letterbox. You can see the road from here and when you reach it your car is on the left.

Have fun!

Please email me directly with any concerns or questions about these boxes.