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SouthPark Wrestling Character#1 Hollywood Hogan LbNA #53254

Plant date:Apr 10, 2010
County:New Haven
Planted by:Apeman691970 Contact Inactive
Found by: Nairon
Last found:Jan 4, 2025
Last edited:Apr 10, 2010
Southpark is a crazy show. But when I saw an episode on WWE wrestlers I decided to do a series of it! So your first wrestler will be Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Use Black Ink please!
CLUES:make your way to smith park, off country club rd. From the parking lot make your way to the play scape. go straight past the playscape till you come to a path in front of you walk to the first turn in the path from there go backwards 15 paces and look to your right(if walking backwards) and look for a Large Boulder next to a Pine tree