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Owner:Bungalow Boxer Contact
Plant date:May 6, 2006
Found by: SherlockMiles
Last found:Jan 5, 2025
Last edited:May 6, 2006 Azerbaijani
Glastonbury, CT

NOTE: This adventure is short, about 0.5 miles long. Though unmarked, the trails are generally easy to walk. It has long been a popular mountain biking site. You'll be exploring an area of forest in back of Case Mountain, which covers portions of Manchester and Glastonbury.

From the intersection of routes 83 and 94 in Glastonbury, drive east on rte 94 (Hebron Avenue) for 2.9 miles. As you drive up a slight hill, turn left onto Birch Mountain Road. From here, drive for 2.2 miles. Turn right onto Lookout Landing. Wait! Turn around. Turn left back onto Birch Mountain Road for a very short distance. Right away, notice the cable guard rail along the right side of the road. At the end of the NEXT cable guard rail, pull over in the small grassy clearing. There is room for a couple of cars. If you are concerned that you are in the right spot, you should be parked opposite house #866.

Stand to the right of the tree labelled 63. Follow the trail at 270 degrees downhill past a yellow public water supply sign. (Hiking is ok here.) After about 100 yards turn left onto a wide trail. Count yellow gas pipeline markers as you the third marker, STOP. Turn here onto a trail at 290 degrees. Quietly pass a large deer grazing in the woods, if you're lucky! Walk through a wide opening in a very well built stone wall. Continue on the trail. Soon you will approach another stone wall. Stop at the opening...don't pass through. Turn left off the trail and follow the curved wall about 34 steps to a single tree. It is just past two very narrow trees. The letterbox you seek is on the opposite side of the wall behind a door. To get to it, either climb over this shorter section of wall or continue walking about 20 feet to a gap, then double back. Please note: No stone walls were harmed in the production of this letterbox. Be kind.

Speaking of doubling return to your car, simply return the way you came. I hope you enjoyed this adventure! Spread the word!