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Sunshine Daydream LbNA #1264

Owner:Bungalow Boxer Contact
Plant date:Dec 31, 2001
Location: Earle Park
Planted by:The Bird Stamper Contact
Found by: Nairon
Last found:Mar 8, 2025
Last edited:Oct 26, 2015
"Sunshine Daydream, walking in the tall trees, going where the wind blows......"

Location: Earle Park, Glastonbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut

Letterboxes: 3

Placed: 12/31/2001 by Sky, Thumper and Linda.
Adopted: 7/16/2003 by The Bird Stamper.
Bonus box: 9/17/2003 by The Bird Stamper. Stamp by RTRW (thanks).
Second box moved: 4/29/2004 to a dryer location.

Time: 3 / 4 hour

Difficulty: Short and easy.


Forty eight acre Earle Park is located on the Connecticut River in Glastonbury. It has forested trails, Tom's Pond, a brook, horse jumps, and meadows. Great for kids too! Leashed dogs and horses welcome. Please clean up after your pet. Others use the trails also.

The Connecticut Audubon Center at Glastonbury is adjacent to the park at 1361 Main Street. Stop and get a map at the box by the door. They have a Discovery Room with live animals and nature displays. They ask for a donation for non-Audubon members. The center is open Tuesday to Friday 1 - 5 PM, Saturday 10 AM - 5 PM, and Sunday 1 - 4 PM.


From Hartford: Rte 2 East to exit 7, Rte 17 (Portland/South Glastonbury); follow 2.5 miles. Center is on your right, just after the traffic light.

From Middletown: Follow Rte 17 North. About 1.5 miles after South Glastonbury line, Center will be on your left *.

From points east: Rte 2 West to exit 10. Turn left at end of ramp; right at next stop sign; left at traffic light onto Chestnut Hill Road. Follow straight through 2 stop signs to traffic light, about 3 miles. Right at light onto Rte 17. Center is 1/4 miles ahead on left *.

*When traveling north on Rte 17, the Audubon sign is hidden behind an American Legion Post sign. They share the same building and parking lot.


Head down the trail behind the center, along the cemetery. At the bottom of the hill, bear left, across a small field, to a blue sign frame. Stand at the far end of the sign frame and take a 100 degree bearing. Search for a tree painted blue. (This is actually a type of mold.) Go behind its large trunk and look towards sunshine for Sunshine. Stamp in discreetly by the field edge. Copy the secret letters into the spaces below.

Daydream is close to the Connecticut River, so head north, keeping Tom's Pond to your left. Cross the brook on the new bridge. Follow the main path left, to the top of a hill. A sewer manhole cover marks the top. Bear to the left then to the right onto a wide path. Head downhill on a series of wooden steps, towards the river. At the bottom of the steps, go straight to a junction of paths. Stop before you come to a set of small steps that end going down a steep hill. Below you is Meadow Drain. If the leaves are off the trees, you can see the Connecticut River in the distance.

Take a 183 degree bearing to the top of a small rise and look for two large trees where it sounds like you are near the ocean. Behind the second one, under a log, you will find Daydream. (There is also a geocache in this area. Don’t confuse them.) Copy the secret letters into the spaces below.


Go back the way you came to the sewer manhole. To take the scenic route home, turn right and follow the edge of the field. Take a left onto a faint path at the southeast corner of the field, about 50 feet before the orchard. Go down to the back side of Tom's pond, over a bridge, around the pond, to the first field with Sunshine. Take the path to the left, uphill, past the cemetery, to the Audubon Center.

Go into the center. Go up to the counter and say to the busy, yet smiling, person:

“ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ “
and a bonus box will mysteriously appear.

Happy letterboxing. I hope you enjoyed the park.

Special permission for these letterboxes was granted by the manager of this preserve. Others wishing to plant here should contact me and I will find out if permission can be extended.